Tuesday, April 9, 2019


These days, in class, we have been studying different stuff about the amount of food we waste
in our homes. That made me interested because I found out that Europeans waste about 1.3
billion tonnes of food each year. Food waste is a very big issue because it affects people, and
apart from wasting food, we also waste resources like water, energy, or even land. What can
we do to make the waste of food disappear? If you want to start reducing food waste at your
home, you can follow these 3 easy steps: Store food correctly, Shop smart, and eat the skins of
some kinds of food.

First of all, When I say “Store food correctly”, I mean that you should know where to put, or how to cook every kind of food because improper storage leads to a massive amount
of food waste. Many people are unsure how to store fruits and vegetables, which can lead to
premature ripening and eventually, rotten produce. For example, you also should know that
potatoes, tomatoes, or even garlic, should never be refrigerated. If we don’t know how to store
food correctly, you won’t be able to eat some food so you will need to throw it away.

Next, Sometimes, people tend to buy more food than they actually need, and they end up
throwing it out. To solve this kind of problem, you can try making a list of the items you really will
need. This will help you reduce impulses at the time to buy food, and go to the shops with
your mind clear about what you want to buy at the store.

Finally, Some people do not like the skin of some foods, like, for example, skins
of fruits, veggies, or even chicken. Even if you don’t believe it, there are so many
nutrients in the outer layer. An example would be apple skins. Apple skins contain
a large number of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. If we take off the skin
of whatever kind of food, we are also taking away one of the essentials things
in a portion of food, so theoretically, we are not eating a part of the food and
we are wasting food.

In conclusion, we should learn how to do these 3 steps correctly, because if not, we
will waste more food at home every day.
Kubala, Jillian. “ 20 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Food Waste”. Healthline.com/nutrition.20 Nov
2017. Web. 13 Mar 2019.


  1. Hello Rocio, I also did a research on ways to reduce food waste at home, and I think you did a great job. I didn’t know that with good storage we could actually reduce food waste and also, I didn’t realize that by eating the skins of some foods we could also waste less. So, I guess I’ll try your tips. Good job.

  2. I agree with you, because a lot of food waste is caused by the wrong storage, bought too much, and didn't know some parts were edible.Your three main points are very good, people who read your article will learn a lot. Good job!
