Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Food waste consequences


Did you know that only in the United States 38 million tonnes of food are wasted every year? Three problems that we face when we waste food are the production of greenhouse effect gases , the waste of natural resources , and unnecessary pollution.
First of all,  the production of greenhouse gases is a very important problem that we are facing nowadays.The problem of the greenhouse gases is caused in a big majority by the animals we breed.If we breed the animals that produce methane , which is one of the gases that are bad for the atmosphere, and then we throw them to the trash , we are creating food just for polluting and making problems.

Another problem that we face when we waste food is the waste of natural resources such as water , crops.If we use the lands to let the animals grow and then we transport them to the supermarkets using petroleum to move the trucks , and then we throw them away , we are wasting the resources that we used on that animal and we didn’t get any benefit out of it.

Finally, by wasting food we are also polluting , because we have to use vehicles to plant the crops for the animals and to transport them. By using petroleum we are wasting natural resources and we are polluting with no sense.

In conclusion , by wasting food we are contributing to climate change , polluting and creating greenhouse effect gases .To stop this we should measure ourselves and know how much food we are going to use .
Another thing we can do is to put in Tupperwares the leftovers and eat them other day , this is also a benefit for us because we will save money and we won’t have to cook every day.

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