Tuesday, March 19, 2019

                                        Reduce Food Waste

Food waste is happening at any time, at the restaurant, school, street, or home. when there are foods you don't like or you are full you might throw them away. You might throw food away inadvertently or willfully. But think about if every single person throws a little food away that's a lot of foods. Every year,  1.3 billion tons of food are wasted, accounting for about one-third of all products, including about 45% of fruits and vegetables, 35% of fish and seafood, 30% of cereals, and 20% of dairy products. At the same time, 795 million people suffer from severe hunger and malnutrition. Have you ever thought about how to reduce food waste? Three easy steps to reduce food waste at home are plan your shopping, check the dates, and store them in the right ways.
First of all, the most important thing is  planning your shopping. Usually, the foods we throw away are excess and rotten food. They are good foods before but because you bought too much food it might not be used up in the fridge and became rotted or you cooked too much that can't be finished. So when you go to the supermarket you can plan the foods you want to eat and how much you are going to eat and how many people are going to eat it. Just buy how much you are going to eat and try to avoid putting them in the fridge.

Second thing is to look up for the best before and use by dates. Try to buy the foods that have a longer time you can keep and remember the dates and eat them before getting rot. Sometime changing in color doesn’t means this food is rotten it might be getting senescence. Rot means changed the original shape, taste and got mold on it. To remember the use by date you can put a small tip on the food or bag, every time when you want get food to eat you will see the date and you will know what food is going to get rot. To avoid forgetting the food rot in the fridge you can sort them by use by date order from latest to the earliest.
The last thing is by storing the foods in the right ways. Most dry foods like pasta, biscuits, bread, and canned foods are stored in a cool, ventilated environment to avoid direct sunlight. Most of the fresh foods like seafood, fruit, meat, and vegetables are best stored in the fridge at 0-4 degrees. There are so many ways to store food such as store in a sealed bag, and Wrapped in tin foil or plastic food wrap. Sometimes not allowing food to come into direct contact with the air can greatly extend the best before date.
Food is the most precious gift of nature to human beings. We should cherish and appreciate it.
We should take all food and respect food seriously.

European Commision."Food waste".EC.europe.eu.European Union.2016.Web.19 Mar.2019.


  1. You are very right, we should reduce food waste, which is good for us.

  2. I agree with you, most of the things that you listed, we do in our home too. For example, we always check the expire dates before buying things. If anyone wants to know the effects on food waste, come over to my blog.
