Thursday, March 21, 2019

Effects of Food Waste

 Recently, we have studied the topic of food waste and how it affects our planet. At first,
I didn’t think much about it, but just a week ago (near the end of February), it snowed during the morning and ended around the evening; soon after it ended, it was sunny and very windy. What does this have to do with food waste? I am glad that you asked. Food waste doesn’t only waste food; believe it or not, it also affects our planet in a great way; it also wastes water and land , plus, it harms the environment.
xxxFirst of all, it wastes liters of water because to produce food, a lot of water is needed and when it’s wasted, all of the water that was used in its production, will go to waste. According to, a volume of water roughly three times the volume of Lake Geneva is used just to produce food that is not eaten. When we throw away one kilogram of beef we waste around 50 thousand liters of water; the  same goes for when we pour a glass of milk down the drain, in this case, we waste around 1 thousand liters of water.
 Second, it wastes hectares and hectares of land. Land on our planet  is very limited, especially nowadays, where overpopulation is a problem. We use up to 1.4 billion hectares of land just to produce wasted food, many people don’t realize farming takes up a lot of space, this doesn’t even include the place where the wasted food goes to.
 Wherever it goes, the food will eventually rot and produce methane, a greenhouse gas
that is even more powerful and harmful than CO2. Not only the rotted food will cause greenhouse gases, also the animals’ escrements will. Greenhouse gases such as methane and CO2 absorb infrared radiation and heat up the earth’s atmosphere causing climate change and global warming.  In conclusion, I think that this is a very important topic because it is already affecting our
planet and if we, the ones who caused these problems, don’t try to solve it, no one else will. Knowing the causes and effects might make us take action and solve this problem.

“The Environmental Impact of Food Waste”. Move For
2019.Web. Mar 6, 2019.


  1. I knew that we also waste our water when we waste foods, but I didn't know we waste THAT much of water. Without water the life in our planet can't last long. I hope we will fing a definite solution. Also I agree that our population is keep growing, so we need to relieze that how much land we need to produce food.

  2. I liked your blog. I found it interesting that so much water is wasted when we throw out food. The effects of food waste have such an great impact on the environment in so many different ways.

  3. It is shocking that we waste this amount of water. The risks of this waste of water could destroy our environmnet and our life. We need to consider also the greenhouse gases that are produced everyday, because global warming must be limited.

  4. Through your blog I was able to understand the major effects of food waste on our planet. The facts were very detailed and have been succesfully conveyed. The numbers you provided gave an even better idea of the massive amount of resources that are wasted along food. Very well written blog.
